
tags: software


// 180 minutes of c0de >

like 100 days of code, but shorter… and erratic.

i had, for the longest time, been slacking on coding just for the sake of coding. however, i’ve had to write some scripts and work to interface with apis as well as to handle other automation tasks, and that kinda has me wanting to start working on random projects.

i’ve always wanted to come up with some projects to work on, but i never seem to come up with any good ideas to get started. i am by no means a software developer, but i’ve dabbled in several programming and scripting languages that i can cook up a functional app.

at any rate, i was running a search in Startpage and randomly decided that I could probably just build a python script to fetch query results instead of using a browser. it took an hour of me fucking around with regex before i realized i could just isolate all of the urls via the anchor tags using beautifulsoup, but i ended up with a pretty neat result afterward.

here’s a link to the repo:


i might consider expanding on it at a later time. i added a todo section in the readme ‘cause i don’t care for opening issues or other crap.

// dirty c0de >

i think it’s pretty obvious what my style of coding is when i’m trying to bang something out for fun (giggity); dirty coding. yes, i have come back to old repositories and thought to myself, “what the fuck was i trying to do here,” but i don’t expect these projects to become popular or anything.

since this is mostly for my own entertainment, or boredom, i don’t care to add comments or contemplate if i should use functions or classes or blah-dee-fuckin-blah. i’ll worry about that when i’m in a collaborative environment. i’m sure there are a million ways to shorthand everything and accomplish everything in two lines of code, but i can always refactor it if i feel like it.

then again, the art of dirty code is a weapon for the curious minded who just need to get it done by any means with something that works, right? i’d feel the same if i were writing a poc for an exploit.

// eof >

honestly, i’m just glad to get some stuff done. feels good, bruh.

Written on April 18, 2024